Họp Hội đồng quốc gia Giáo dục và Phát triển nhân lực

Thứ năm - 21/08/2014 16:45 787 0
Ngày 20/8, Hội đồng quốc gia Giáo dục và Phát triển nhân lực đã họp và thảo luận về hai đề án trong chương trình công tác: Hội nhập quốc tế và đổi mới giáo dục; Xây dựng xã hội học tập.



Pho Thủ Tường Vũ Đức Đam, phở Chủ Tịch Hội đồng have the following nghe swap thang than, on the tinh Thần building of the Lĩnh gia, Nha khoa students from the corner speed Nghiên look up as well as active actual Tiên.
Why versions hop, multiple comments the press mạnh tinh Thần exchange input Quốc Tế be implemented in all Lĩnh Vực of education bao including the following the problem is being Bo GDĐT getting comments like 'Hoàn Thiện the system education; change new, programs, SGK; change new organizations thi THPT.
Do not less Đại expression present su quan tâm Bạn against the problem enhanced cao computed self chủ cho fields ĐH Công Lập to use effectiveness more than the source Cap the first tu tu Budget Nha nuoc, hát bài hát for Augmented Cường quality Đào make multiply enabled.
Liên related to to be "Xây building xa hoi students file", the user Hội đồng file trung GOP mean Biên solution for Development the system education according to the direction extended, have the machine contact info cao . Bên vắng Cảnh then enhanced cao effectiveness activity of the Device mechanism students at addresses method file, in plus đồng.
Many thảo luan thang than, tích Cực about the content related Hoàn Thiện the system education; change new programs, SGK; change new organizations thi THPT làm Lãnh Đạo Bo GDĐT display.
Back to the system education, multiple users Hội đồng cho that must be compatible with the Khu Vực and substitution giới, have a degree extended, have the machine contact info cao between Bắc students (by zero Vertical, width ngang, Hương cross). This is a in the solution to shrink space in the ep thi ĐH show Nay, đảng Cộng hòa part build xa hoi students file.
These Lĩnh gia the analysis and Thống Nhất in definition basic Configuration Bắc students in the system Đào make Nghề word trung cấp until CĐ, ĐH.
problems separated streams in hai years of last Bắc students are popular messages are all the NHÀ manager education, Nha khoa students thảo Luân Soi floating, set in new associated with the problem well to change new programs, SGK.
multiple NHÀ khoa students Bay really đồng for their chủ Trương split specific programs and SGK on execution change new. Word that, allow an programs may have more the SGK, but the program is a có thể check cu the, rating giá quality education.
These well method to change new SGK that got more close đảng Cộng hòa, parse deep sắc, secure identifier. Theo that, bo GDĐT direct editor collection SGK patterns according to change the new tinh Thần, then huy effect of the organizations and individuals join editor; or ngay from the bo GDĐT only the execution checking the quality of the collection SGK.
These Đại expression Nhất Trí cao problem with the output of the GDĐT in failed to apply the new SGK đồng loạt out of the grade students rather as a way cuốn reference previous contract , take more time over.
Đặng Note, at versions hop, failed to organizations Period thi THPT country continuing receive many GOP mean, swap, thảo Luận from Đại expression.
Trọng that, quan point to be more mean architecture Thống Nhất that for while long according xu hoc sinh students expired THPT you have a Period thi country for good XET Nghiệp. Fields ĐH, CĐ have a method Project Tuyển sinh Individual above tinh Thần self chủ. Song, in a few years to ', out except for some of the field ĐH, CĐ have a method Project Tuyển sinh Individual but multi part fields would like to have a Period thi country as a có thể cu to Tuyển sinh.
Since the vay, multiple users Hội đồng cho that, bo GDĐT required Nghiên look up, forwarding thu comments close GOP above and press mạnh failed to organizations Period thi country that for selected are those people Xung Đặng to the students at the bac cao more than, as well as to create dynamic enabled students file for students sinh.
Period thi be make sure mark giá correctly, company with the above tinh Thần of the problem thi, way ra problem for work sao Phù combined with both students in the region sinh deep, range xa. Công take organizations be simple, rang known, does not give problem children, Nhiêu Khê cho sinh students and secondary huynh.
Back to MẶT: điện lạnh, bo GDĐT có thể cu to the actual te, huy effect of the Lĩnh gia, Nha education build Configuration architecture problem thi can really Phan Hòa for one MẶT students sinh do not Ban Khoan on thi good Nghiệp THPT, Mắt non for the result Period thi that thể cu trusted cho fields ĐH, CĐ made ​​successfully take Tuyển sinh.
phở Thủ Tường Vũ Đức Đam written receiver of the comments at versions Hop and only Đạo Bo GDĐT forwarding thu close of the GOP Công luận and the NHÀ khoa students, have a method well the Uy ban country Change new education and Đào make of the problem well for your Hoàn Thiện system and education; change new programs, SGK and organizations Period thi country.

 Nguồn: Chinhphu.vn



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